Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Hello everyone it's been a while. One of my resolutions (ok, the only REAL resolution) is to stay current and post more on this blog. This sounds familiar because on every other blog I see a post like this one every now and then. So I'm not alone!!! :)
Wally says hi and is glad to be home from the pet resort. It was fun, but he missed us tremendously (I"m sure of it).
We were in Louisiana for the new year celebrations, visiting our friends who moved away from austin :( They are well, with a wonderful baby boy that we fondly call D3. We always have fun down there and we are lucky to have this tradition.
This weekend we will celebrate Ben's birthday...he's soooo old (chuckle).

It's the end of a decade people, let's hope the teens hold peace and prosperity for us all.