Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Here we are, back in sync with our weeks…again, sorry for the long delay!

DAY 29: ***We are thinking of all you pinkies and 4 leggies on the east coast…stay dry if you can and hang in there. You are not forgotten!**
No scarves were “broken out”. However, mum did bring out the sofa blanket…as in the huge and puffy down blanket that stays on the sofa until about April. 
Witness the blanket mass…


I on the other hand super enjoyed the cool weather and lounged outside most of the evening when the pinkies got home.

DAY 30: ***We made it to 30 days!!!*** That is all.


Do I look 30 days older???

DAY 31: Mum was late getting home and dad forgot to buy candy…so we were relegated to sitting in darkness except for the glow of the tv. Oh, and mum and dad watched a zombie show just for good measure…they are bonkers for Walking Dead.
That may or may not be me in a batman mask…one never tells these things.


DAY 32: Mum says “how can it really be November already?” I say bring it!!! It is after all officially “Mo-vember” as in everyone (well, probably only men) should grow their moustache out and support men’s health month. I have a leg up on everyone with this…witness my handlebar beauty!!


DAY 33: Visit to the vet for my bordatella. And mum took no pics (starting to be a “thing” with her) so here is an original piece of art by mum and dad’s good friend Brent. It’s oil pastels on matte board done from a picture of me. He does commissioned work all the time, check out his portfolio at!!!


DAY 34: Mum and dad left me most of the day to run “errands”. They also caught the last half of the Aggie vs. Ole Miss game…whoop!! the Aggies won!!
I spent my day lounging and catching flys :)


DAY 35: Day of rest. And also inspecting the counters for stray bits leftovers…my specialty!



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